Lighting project at the conference hall at Expostroy Interior Design Center.
EXPR-STORY of design and interior opened a new venue - a conference hall for business events of different kinds: presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions
Myala-home is an exlusive luxury resort. The picturesque forest zone has a restaurant, a wine bar, open terraces and gazeebos, cinema bar and a fresh water pool.
Lighting project at the office of the Rabbit Family restaurant alliance. WRF was founded by the famous restaurateur Boris Zarkov in 2010.
Hilton Garden Inn is a modern hotel located in Guzhen, zhonshan city. The lighting at the hotel is executed with PPF luminaires.
Lighting project at the main office of DELab media holding.
Lighting project at the conference hall at Expostroy Interior Design Center.
现代空间 一个令人沉思的室内空间:灯具和家具看起来像雕塑,画作也与窗外的风景融为一体。拥有全景窗户,任何时候都可以欣赏到室外的景色。悠闲的生活节奏令人平静、踏实。 空间布局▽ 两侧有七个窗户,其中包括四个凸窗,面积190㎡。这个空间因其纯粹的几何形状和多样的纹理而被人记住。粗糙的石灰与精致的绳绒和毛圈布并置,黄铜亮点带来温暖,活跃的大理石图案使内敛的调色板充满活力。 百分之八十的家具都是根据草图制作的,设计对象和艺术在此基础上得以发挥作用。设计师希望艺术真正融入室内,Kristina Sidorova的画作“海”似乎是专门为厨房绘制的,艺术赋予室内意义和重量,将具有实用功能的空间提升到一个新的水平。 内部是建立在轴线上的,黄铜门户给空间带来了巨大的感觉,并强调了它的几何形状。